Monday, July 13, 2015


Phone 0402 004 002 email
Queensland Electrical Contractors License # 11324
Cairns Safety Switches      Steve Mashford Electrical Services

How to SAVE on POWER BILLS - prevent fires & electrocutions - Documents to Qld M.P's The Facts on what is really going on around you and how YOUR GOVERNMENT does not care about you in your home only when you are at work. Work Place Health and Safety regulations place all the onus on the heads of the employers so as the public liability companies can make huge profits. 
Public Liability Companies off load all the blame on the employers and get off SCOTT FREE most of the time.
This is called profit making using your lives as collateral.

L E D Downlights 13watts Facts on how to save money on lighting.

Home Electricity Audits     Facts on how to save money on electricity.

Safetyswitch's & Halogens conversions stop fires starting ! Deaths ?

Notice REIQ Safetyswitch Alert Warning to older home purchases of defective safety switch legislation that you could be buying an electrical time bomb.

Who owns the risk of electrocutions in Queensland now ? Liability ?

PUBLIC NOTICE Electrocutions are avoidable Preventing Deaths.

'Electricity in the home" brochure has serious error and they were notified of error on 16/6/2015 ! 
Funny the Qld Attorney General doesn't know the law ! Writes a document which is unfactual and conflicts with the wiring code and history as I know it !

14:15:8 + Tabled Document + Ian MacFarlane + Advertising Rcd Shortfalls 1992-2015
Queensland Members of Parliament ignored my warnings in 2002 and 2015 and we have a continuing electrocution rate because they are too chicken assed to make a law which is  aconflict of interest with their employment as ministers. Qld Government website which I particularly like with no REIQ SAFETY SWITCH ALERT.

C Stephen Mashford  14/7/2015     



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